Health & Wellbeing Services


Staying Healthy and Keeping Safe
We want to make sure you stay healthy and keep safe while training with us.  To ensure you have access to the full range of support services including mental health and wellbeing, please refer to the below categories and website links;

Help Organisations - Phone numbers you can call at any time:
- Need to talk - 1737 - free call or text
- The Depression Helpline - 0800 111 757
- Healthline - 0800 611 116
- Lifeline - 0800 543 354
- Samaritans - 0800 726 666
- Youthline - 0800 376 633
- Alcohol Drug Helpline - 0800 787 797
Suicide Crisis Helpline - 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO).
- Women's Refuge - 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843

Mental Health or Emotional Support
Mental Health Support Groups - Free support groups available without a referral.
Family Support and Counselling
Anxiety NZ

Online (Internet) Safety
- Netsafe
- Cyberbullying

NZ Health System
Ministry of Health - The Government’s principal advisor on health and disability.
Video overviews on the NZ Health System - in English

Accidents and Injuries
ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) - Prevention, Care, Recovery.  Improving NZ's quality of life.
Urgent Medical Care

Maternity Services
Pregnancy Support 
A guide to pregnancy and childbirth in NZ 

What to do in an Emergency
- Watch this video for advice on Natural Disasters
- Safety in Natural Disasters
- When to call the Police
- When to call an Ambulance
- What to do if there is a Fire