FEB 27 2025

Module 7 - 27th & 28th February 2025

Course Type: Teaching

Module 7 - 27th & 28th February 2025

Course Type: Teaching


Module 7 - Moderate and quality assure assessments

This two day workshop covers Unit Standard 11551: Quality assure assessment. L5.  Total credits 10, (2 days online – cost $725 + gst or Early Bird $675 + gst). 

The workshop will enable you to:

* Determine whether assessment are valid measurements of achievement of the learning outcomes 
* Determine whether assessments are at the correct level
* Identify internal and external moderation models and their applications
* Moderate assessment materials
* Verify correct assessment decisions
* Record and report moderation data

Booking Form

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I am a New Zealand Citizen/Resident (if no please contact administration)

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