QED workshop: Self Assessment for EER
Overview: Effective Self Assessment for EER
This QED workshop includes examples of best practice and suits a range of teaching and management staff. Our Self Assessment approach makes it easy to streamline self assessment and make core data more meaningful for more staff.
The next face to face Self Assessment for EER workshop is on: TBC 2022 - Contact Us to enrol now.
The next online Self Assessment for EER workshop is on: 10th June 2022 - Contact Us to enrol now.
This workshop incorporates education and evaluation theories to make discussion about outcomes and measures easier and more systematic. It is a fresh look at the evaluative approach so you can be successful in your next EER.
The intended outcomes are that participants can:
1. Explain NZQA’s expectations for effective Self Assessment
2. List compelling evidence of effective Self Assessment to engage other staff
3. Summarise your organisation's improvements since your last EER
4. Prioritise the key elements and tasks for a successful EER
5. Identify target ratings for your next EER.
This workshop can make a big difference to your capability in self assessment and how you discuss it among staff and how you explain it during your External Evaluation and Review. Previous participants say “good, interactive, great ideas”, “excellent and highly relevant”, "invaluable in my EER preparation" and “gave new insights into what we can do” .
Many QED clients have found this reflection on their Self Assessment helped improve their EER findings, with excellent results. It also helps to see things from NZQA's perspective.
QED has read and analysed data from hundreds of EER reports, and versions of this workshop have been presented at various forums including ITENZ conferences.
The usual venue for this Self Assessment for EER workshop is the wonderful Lake House Arts Centre, 37 Fred Thomas Drive, Takapuna – just 5 minutes from the Auckland Harbour bridge and with lots of free parking.
Workshop fees:
One participant is $475 + GST earlybird paid in advance (or $525 afterwards).
Two or more from the same organisation is $400 each + GST earlybird and paid in advance (or $440 afterwards).
QED Quality Management workshop cancellation policy: withdrawal and refund ok up to 48 hours before the course start, no refund after that.
QED reserve the right to reschedule or cancel for any reason but endeavour to advise registered participants with adequate notice.