AUG 07 2025

Module 1 - 7th & 8th August 2025

Course Type: Teaching

Module 1 - 7th & 8th August 2025

Course Type: Teaching


Module 1 - Planning and preparing for training and education

This two day workshop covers Unit Standards 7093: Design learning sessions for adults L4, (10 credits), and 29690: Describe principles and theories of adult learning L4, (6 credits).  Total: 16 credits.

The workshop will enable you to:

* Describe principles and theories of adult learning
* Design and plan well structured training sessions
* Write SMART learning outcomes
* Plan delivery and assessment processes of learning sessions
* Identify barriers to learning and strategies to combat them
* Develop ways to successfully train people from other cultures.

Early bird Rate:
 $700 + GST per person (valid if payment is received before the workshop date).
Standard Rate: $750 + GST per person (applies if early bird payment is not received).

Prices apply per participant for each two-day workshop.  If payment is not received by the early bird deadline, the standard rate will apply.

Booking Form

Fill in the following for each attendee

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I am a New Zealand Citizen/Resident (if no please contact administration)

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