APR 01 2025

Module 2 - 1st and 2nd of April 2025

Course Type: Teaching

Module 2 - 1st and 2nd of April 2025

Course Type: Teaching


Module 2 - Deliver and facilitate training and education.  

This two day workshop covers Unit Standards 29692: Deliver learning sessions for adults L4, (14 credits), and 29693: Review, evaluate and identify areas of improvement for own adult education teaching practice L4, (10 credits).  Total 24 credits, (2 days face to face – cost $725 + gst or Early Bird $675 + gst).  Please note, we have increased our prices for 2023 this is due to the rising costs of operations.

The workshop will enable you to:

* Cater for different learning styles
* Deliver training sessions that fully involve trainees
* Use a range of delivery methods
* Prepare and use a variety of learning aids
* Review and evaluate the effectiveness of learning sessions
* Identify areas of improvement for own adult education teaching practice

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