MAY 28 2025

Module 6 - 28th & 29th May 2025

Course Type: Teaching

Module 6 - 28th & 29th May 2025

Course Type: Teaching


Module 6 - Design and evaluate assessments

This two day workshop covers Unit Standard. 11552: Design & evaluate assessment materials.  Total: 10 credits.

The workshop will enable you to:

* Match the level of the assessment to the standard/course component.
* Select appropriate assessment methods
* Develop valid assessment activities
* Develop marking schemes and evidence and judgment statements
* Structure assessments for easy access by students
* Include moderation considerations when designing assessments
* Obtain critical feedback on your assessment designs

Early bird Rate: $700 + GST per person (valid if payment is received before the workshop date).
Standard Rate: $750 + GST per person (applies if early bird payment is not received).

Prices apply per participant for each two-day workshop.  If payment is not received by the early bird deadline, the standard rate will apply.

Booking Form

Fill in the following for each attendee

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If you are not registered with NZQA, tick the box for QED to register you
I am a New Zealand Citizen/Resident (if no please contact administration)

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