MAY 14 2025

Combined workshop for Modules 4, 5 & 8 - 14th, 15th & 16th of May 2025

Course Type: Teaching

Combined workshop for Modules 4, 5 & 8 - 14th, 15th & 16th of May 2025

Course Type: Teaching


We have met the needs of our clients and put together a three-day workshop covering Modules 4, 5 & 8.  Combining the workshops has been a success in 2023 so we have decided to offer it as an option from now on.  Completing these modules and Modules 6 & 7 will award the New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching Level 5.  Check out our combined Module 6 & 7 workshop.

Module 4 - Plan and prepare advanced learner-centred learning
Module 5 - Facilitate advanced learner-centred learning
Module 8 - Evaluate and improve own professional knowledge and practice in adult education

This three-day workshop covers Unit Standard: 29689: Design and prepare adult learning sessions for a variety of contexts L5, (12 Credits), Unit Standard: 29691: Facilitate adult learning sessions using adult teaching and learning theories and frameworks L5, (20 Credits) and Unit Standards 7110: Critically evaluate & improve own professional knowledge & practice in adult education & training L5, (8 credits).

The 29689 components will enable you to:

* Determine diverse target group learner needs, literacy and numeracy levels, learning styles and cultural learning preferences
* Develop learning outcomes for advanced learner-centred learning sessions 
* Plan and develop advanced learner-centred learning sessions 
* Create a number of learning resources matched to learning needs and outcomes
* Determine assessment requirements
* Prepare for review and evaluation of sessions.

The 29691 components will enable you to:

* Compare and contrast a range of teaching and learning theories and frameworks
* Prepare and apply a range of learner centred approaches and delivery materials
* Address barriers to learning and embed literacy & numeracy into subject disciplines
* Use a range of facilitation strategies to meet diverse learner needs
* Assess learner progress and give constructive feedback
* Review and evaluate the effectiveness of advanced learner-centred sessions

The 7110 components will enable you to:

* Use reflective practice to review planning, facilitation, assessment and evaluation of provision across the range of diverse learner needs
* Examine and apply a range of evaluation tools and processes
* Obtain peer and stakeholder feedback on own practice
* Develop a plan to improve practice
* Identify areas for improvement in own practice and the programme.
* Implement and monitor the plan.

The cost is $1,550 + gst Early Bird rate per person and $1,750 + gst Standard Rate per person), this is a $300 + gst savings if you were to do the modules separately, plus two less days.

Booking Form

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